How to Chat-Up a Girl on a Chat
Last Update : October 29, 2018 by Ava
Flirting successfully with a woman is the result of a delicate alchemy that you need to master to achieve your goals. Online seduction is no exception to the rule, and there are several tips you could apply to charm most women. You should have no trouble seducing a woman on an online dating website, if you follow our straightforward tips to the letter. Don’t be afraid of failure, and launch yourself body and soul into this exciting online quest for the lady of your dreams.

Reel Her In Online: Instructions
You probably know that online chat-up techniques differ significantly from those of “traditional” seduction.
This is the result of a very important issue: up until the long-awaited moment when you first meet, you are not physically in front of the woman you want to seduce. It is, therefore, necessary for you to make her want to take that step and meet you in the flesh, so you have to give her serious information and reassure her that you’re just the right type of man that she is looking for. A piece of cake, when it comes down to this. First of all, try to view her profile before you even approach her on the chat, so that you know the reasons for her presence on this dating site: an adventure? A serious meeting? Etc.
Catching Her Eye Online: How to Go about It
The lady’s profile will be brimming with essential information that will help you approach her from the best possible angle. Once you’ve browsed her profile thoroughly and done your research, what’s left is for you to move on to what is without a doubt the most decisive step: initiating contact. Whether she wants to find true love, or whether she’s looking for a fling, it’s up to you to figure out her true purpose, and there’s nothing better to do in that case but have an open dialogue. You should use a subtle approach, so as not to rush her, or worse, scare your potential partner away.
Just as you would on a face-to-face date, or in real life, be a gentleman throughout and show some class in the way you put forward your proposition, even if it’s just an online chat! First impressions are always decisive, and that holds true for the Internet as well. Make a point of checking your spelling and avoiding phrasing that’s too direct or too vague. Show the lady that you’d like to address her ‘personally’, and don’t send her chat-up lines that you could write to hundreds of other women. We recommend that you study your contact’s profile to find out what her interests are; these are valuable insights into her personality.
Online Chatting: The Moment of Truth
Once you’ve initiated your first contact, and in the event of an engaging response, the game is far from over.
You now have to show her that she should have every interest in meeting you in person. To do this, you must use your imagination to spark her interest, to make her laugh, to enable her to find out who you are and what you’re really looking for. Do not fall into a vicious circle of lies to please her, and do not systematically seek to embellish the truth. On dating sites, being honest often pays off. In the event that your exchange of word proves to be constructive, and you discover that you have even more in common, another crucial step awaits: preparing for the real date.
Online Chatting and the First Date
In order for the first meeting to be a success story, you must first check that the reality conforms the images you’ve pictured for one another in your minds via the dating site. As such, don’t wait too long before you meet up. The more you wait, the greater the risk of being reciprocally disappointed is. These sites can have a big drawback, actually: they induce you to idealise the person you’re having an exchange with. Therefore, if you feel that initial excitement fading, take the initiative and suggest a face-to-face encounter. Finally, be aware of the fact that women are generally less likely to be on dating sites than men. Therefore, they are naturally more sought after, and have a more extensive range of options than you do. Your main challenge is, therefore, to be more attractive than your competitors. That’s why you should focus on interesting topics for your conversations, showing off your humour, and displaying respect for the woman with whom you’re having an exchange. You will inevitably risk failure if you botch the steps. Take the time to seduce only one woman at a time, and make her want to meet you. Your turn to play now !